Sabotaged on T-day!

Well me and Mum is finally starting to get ourselves organised and we tried to make a tricky t-day video on my slipper getting progress. But somecat sabotaged me.
You may think I a bit of a coward but if you lived with Pepe you’d understand.

26 thoughts on “Sabotaged on T-day!

  1. We are very impressed with your slipper getter trick! Pepe proves you can do it inspite of distractions too. Sure you did not go by him but you remained focused on the task at hand so it still counts IMO! Plus, it is bad luck to cross a black cat so I don't blame you one bit! We will try to post un update for our toy cleanup trick. Is there a new assignment for November tricky t-day?

  2. Ludo, we are very impressed with your slipper trick, but we think you shouldn't be worried about Pepe, you are bigger than he is – just run past him fast.Mom is still chuckling.woos the OP Pack

  3. Hi Ludo, our mum is still laughing at your video – her last basset shared the house with an evil cat!Well mum says the cat wasn't evil but was certainly the boss!As fellow dogs however we have to tell you that you need to train your human to get her own slippers!Try using a clicker and small pieces of chocolate – your human should soon get the hang of it!As for Pepe, from what we have heard about cats you are wise to be cautious!!!love you lotsMartha & Bailey xxx

  4. Ludo, I know it's very serious to you, but that video was so funny! Mom is laughing and crying at the same time! I don't know what it's like to live with a cat but based on your reaction, I don't think I'd like it at all!Good job on your slippers trick!! Hey, you were breathing kind of hard at the end – was that anxiety over Pepe or could your teacher lady be right and you need to slim down a little? BOL!

  5. That is exactly what happens to me when I go to visit Franklin. Bonnies cat sits there glaring at me and I can't get past. She blocked me in the bathroom one day and wouldn't let me out. Cat's can be mean!!!Great job on the slipper getting – now you just have to learn to make a cup of tea 🙂

  6. Poor Ludo. You had to do twice as much running back and forth, because of the scary feline lurking about….Oreo sympathizes.Great job on your helpful trick!

  7. Oooo your kitty Pepe looks like like our Pheobe! And I wouldn't mess with her either! You did such a good job and tried so hard and that mean ol' kitty just stayed in the way!

  8. OH Ludo – I totally understand and sympathise!! People used to laugh at me too for being frightened of Lemon (especially as she was only the size of my head) but they have no idea how scary cats can be!! I have to agree with Misty & Oreo though – it was a hilarious video! My human and I were giggling the whole time we were watching it! :-)Slobbers,Honey the Great Dane

  9. Pepe walks softly but he must carry a big stick! What you don't know is that Pepe is scared of you, but in order to live with you, he can't show it. Because if he did show fear, you would have him in a minute. So a little bump into him now and then, might help him to realize you are not taking it anymore! It won't hurt Pepe, its just called throwing your weight around!Kisses,Stella

  10. Ludo, Mom is laughing her head off, but we understand. We don't like to disturb or inconvience our kitties either. I think we are just polite doggies. Not scared, just polite. that's what I think… Morgan and Maisie

  11. Poor Ludo! Pepe looks like a stalker for sure. You are so clever. You knew what to do but were not willing to risk a sneak attack to accomplish it.Slobbers,Mango

  12. Oh Ludo, we are laughing so hard here in Michigan! Years ago we had a dog named Bonnie and a cat named George. My husband would toss Bonnie's favorite toy behind the cat condo from which George ruled. George would reach out and knock Bonnie on the head when she ran back to get her toy, and then she'd give it to husband who threw it back behind the cat condo. And the process would repeat. Eventually Bonnie would just sign in disgust at the husband!

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