Long live The Queen!

We has had a Diamond Jubilee celebration here in the commonwealth countries, to celebrate our Queen, Elizabeth the 2nd’s 60th year on the throne!

I really like it… because Mum really liked it! She watched the festivities on the TV and she did lots of clapping and happying. I love clapping! It gets me all excited. We stood and listened to the national anthem lots of times and Mum said she felt very proud to be British. Her favourite bit be listening to the very soggy Royal Philharmonic singers on their barge.

There some nice videos at this link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/the_queens_diamond_jubilee/9313276/Queens-Diamond-Jubilee-four-days-in-video.html

Best of all, we got to has a barbeque at TNP’s house. Auntie Penny comed too, and once again, she did not stay still for even one minute!

Mum says the Royal family pretty good role models for us dog owners, since even Queen Victoria didn’t dock or crop her dogs ears and apparently when the Queen Mother chose their first corgi she said ‘well, we will have to have the one with the tail, or how will we know when it is happy?’ hehe!
Prince William did say in one interview that it very noisy though. Good job she doesn’t has shelties, I bet we could show them corgi’s a thing or two!

On Monday thousands of beacons got lit and the Queen lit the last one in London at 10.30pm. Here our village one.

~lickies, Ludo
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

19 thoughts on “Long live The Queen!

  1. We have been surprised how much they have been showing it here on American TV. Even though I only spent my first 5 years in Britain growing up in Australia was still very British – I remember singing God Save the Queen every day at school until they switched to the Australian Anthem.

  2. We love that tale about the Queen Mother wanting a dog with a tail! If only the BBC presenters had thought to tell us more such interesting stories, instead of all their inane coverage of the pageant (see my latest blog post…)Gail would have liked to hear much more of the music on the boats too. But most of all, I would like to have been present at TNP's barbeque.Toodle pip!Bertie.

  3. Love the photo of Penny with her ears flying up! It's good to see her so lively.Wish I was there to participate in all the festivities!

  4. We are going to check out your video links, Ludo, because our mom didn't catch one bit of the Jubilee and she would have loved to!Your BBQ sure looks yummy!Love ya lots,Mitch and Molly

  5. I watched the flotilla on TV. My cousin was on one of the boats, The Sentinel. I didn't see him šŸ™‚ I also watched the Thanksgiving service live until I had to leave for work. She is one remarkable lady. Hope Prince Phillip gets better.

  6. Glad you were able to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Ludo! Looks like it was a lot of fun. We would have liked to have ridden in that barge with her. We saw it on TV and think that your Queen looks very nice and we are glad that she likes dogs.Your friends,Niamh & Ambrose

  7. Hi dear Ludo,Please tell your Mum here is another Yankee that loves QE2. I have great admiration for her and her way of running the store! Who do you think will be next in line? Prince Charlie or Prince William? I am casting my hope for Wills!cheers and hugs all around,Jo and Stella, also Zkhat

  8. We had alovely time here too celebrating the Jubilee – we watched most of it from home – too wet for Sally. Loved the beacons – they were a great idea.LicksSally, Paddy, Klaus and foster Honey

  9. Before independent, Malaysia was one of the British colonies and that's why lots of people love the Queen too. Among all the celebrations, I think the BBQ is the best!

  10. Wow Ludo, what fun! That was so cool…especially since you got to play with Aunt Penny and family and all. Lovely cookout too! You all looked so happy!

  11. Hi Ludo! Finally getting some time (and internets) to blog a bit. Congrats to ER for lasting the throne for 60 years; that is a LONG time! That BBQ looks scrumptillyicious fur shore; did you get some foodables? Hope so!Big Hugs xoxoSammie and Avalon

  12. Hi Ludo! We were thinking of you – and especially your human – lots over here during all the Jubilee celebrations because we remembered how much she loved all the Royal family stuff! Sounds like a great celebration – both the big ones and your own! šŸ™‚ Paul says watching it on the BBC website made him feel quite patriotic – even though he's normally not! šŸ˜‰ Oh – and I also wanted to tell you that I FINALLY did a post about glutinous rice balls, which you asked me about a long, long time ago. So you can come over to my blog and find out more about them! šŸ˜‰ Slobbers,Honey the Great Dane

  13. absolutely loved all the celebrations for the queen's diamond jubilee!becky especially loved the horses:-) looks like you had a fab time at the bbq (hope you got a sausage) & your pics of the beacons are great! enjoyed trooping of the colour too.what a fantastic week it has been for the royals-makes you proud to be british!god save the queen!

  14. we saw the Jubilee on the TV, and really enjoyed it. Now we are watching the Olympics. We think any minute we will see you someplace. Wow! Aunt Penny's ears are really flying. your pals, Morgan & Maisie

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